Maintaining Memories: How to Save Old Photographs

“At the beginning of this year, my grandfather passed away. While going through his things, my family discovered photographs. Amazing photographs from my grandparents’ younger years. I had no idea just how much my grandfather loved my grandmother (She passed away in 1993 from a brain tumor. I was too young to really remember) until we discovered the photographic evidence of their love. And now I’m on a mission so that we never forget.”
Jennifer Holder recounts her journey to preserve paper photographs, digitize and share them.
This article offers good advice about archival quality acid-free boxes, temperature and humidity considerations for storing old photographs. The writer also explains the pros and cons of scanning services and desktop scanners. Remember this article was written in 2012, when iPhone 4 was state-of-the-art, and photo scanner apps hadn’t yet debuted on the App Store. Now, of course, apps like Pic Scanner Gold and Pic Scanner make scanning photos much faster and easier.
The article also suggests ways to share photos: in digital form as well as reprints.
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